Our Mission
Our Mission:
To commit what we have been learning to faithful men who will be able to teach others also and, Lord willing, create more Home Fellowships
We want to help equip you with the ability to defend the Good News
Lately, the Word of God is coming under more and more attacks. Many falsely say the Bible is 'full of contradictions.' But our focus has not changed. We pray that God would give you an unquenchable, powerful desire to get to know Him through the water of His word (Eph 1:17; 5:26) to the point you can be in awe of His wisdom, possess a precise understanding of His will and ways for today, and grow in grace so that you might be able to defend "the Gospel of the grace of God" (see Php 1:7, 1Pet 3:15; Phm 1:6)
You do NOT have to be seminary educated to be used by God!
From the beginning of the Body of Christ, it was God's design that the local church be the training ground for the ministry (see 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus for proof).
Nowhere in any Scripture written to the Body of Christ do we see the Lord Jesus using institutional means to instruct His followers. You can learn everything you need to know to be able to teach others, right from God's word rightly divided (2Tim 2:15), and that is what you will learn right here, by the grace of God!
If you are interested in starting your own Home Fellowship, we are here to help! Please call or text us today.
May we always remember that Christ rose from the dead so He can live through us and give us hope for a purpose
in this life and in the life to come!

Three things you'll consistently hear at our fellowship:
1. Forgiveness is freely available because Christ died once and for all time, to die no more, for all (that's YOU), and Christ died for all our sins (past, present, and future; 1Corinthians 15.3,4). Anyone who has ever trusted this fact is a permanent member of the Body of Christ. And the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
2. All that we suffer today is designed, not to punish anyone but simply to help us identify with the sufferings of Christ (2Cor 4; Php 3, etc.). When we go through any trial, we should be aware that He is gently reminding us of His love. How can that be? Because we are reminded how He chose to show the greatest love of all time: By SUFFERING for our sins. This identification eventually leads to a transformation:
3. Christ makes Himself known to and through the weakest of vessels, so the direct and supernaturally powerful result of patient continuance in #2 above is that God manifests Himself in the life of the humblest believer! We have found this to be true of our home fellowship.